To protect the safety of all patients, staff and visitors, Nightingale Hospital considers some items as contraband.
These items are strictly prohibited and are not allowed to be brought into the building.
Prohibited items include:
- Alcohol and illicit substances (including alcohol-based substances, such as mouthwash)
- Weapons or imitations
- Corrosive/flammable items including aerosols (including aerosol deodorant, patients are asked to bring a roll-on alternative)
- Sharp items such as knives, razors or scissors
- Needles or injecting devices (if injecting devices are for medical purposes, i.e. insulin, please make staff aware)
- Glass objects e.g. mirrors. bottles
- Plastic bags of any kind (each ward has large sturdy paper bags available for patients if they require bags)
- Pornographic material
- Metal items e.g. coat hangers
- Adhesives e.g. glue or masking tape
- Office supplies e.g. metal binder notebooks, tape
- Chewing gum
- Mobile phones are allowed, however, photographing/filming inside the hospital is strictly prohibited, to ensure the confidentiality and safety of fellow patients.
Additionally, some items are restricted. All restricted items must undergo a risk assessment and may be removed by staff if deemed unsafe.
Restricted items include:
- Aerosols e.g. deodorant
- Medicines or herbal remedies (medicines of any kind must be handed to staff during admission)
- Chargers, wires or long cords
- Animals (other than certified and approved service dogs)
- Umbrellas
- Steel combs and manicure kits
- Canned items
- Electrical items
- Detergents and chemical products
Please note this list is not exhaustive.
All illegal substances found will be removed and destroyed. If you are found in possession of any illegal or prohibited substance, police may be notified in accordance with legal requirements.