This week, media has reported that a lack of sleep can implant ‘false’ memories in people’s brains. Research carried out by Michigan State University was published in the Journal of Psychological Science and reported by The Telegraph. The findings revealed that a lack of sleep made forgetfulness and imagined memories more likely. Problems with sleep are treated by Nightingale Hospital’s sleep therapists, including sleep and energy specialist Dr Nerina Ramlakhan.
This week, Dr Ramlakhan’s Huffington Post blog focussed on the current heatwave, explaining the difficulties with trying to sleep in the heat and offering tips to help readers do so. In further news on sleep, The Times reported on the news that a £1million project involving 30,000 pupils which tests whether lying in until 10am would help the results of high school pupils was likely to be approved this week.
Following news over the last two weeks concerning NICE recommendations on bariatric surgery and the ensuing debate, Dr Bijal Chheda-Varma of Nightingale Hospital was this week featured on the BMJ blog, offering her view on the recommendations. If you suspect a problem with weight management, take Nightingale Hospital’s online weight perception test.
This week a study launched from the Jefferson Hospital for Neuroscience in Philadelphia looked at how behaviour therapy may help prevent depression, specifically depression experienced as a result of vision loss in older people. The study compared two groups of people suffering from AMD (Age-related macular degeneration), the first were engaging in ‘social therapy’ sessions and the second occupational therapy / behaviour activation therapy. After a period of four months fewer of the patients engaging in behaviour therapy were suffering from a depressive disorder than those engaging in social therapy.