At the beginning of this week the media evaluated the impact of sleep and whether it is possible to get too much as well as too little for optimum memory function. It was reported in the Daily Mail that more than eight hours can actually damage brain power. The Daily Express also covered the study, conducted at the University of Warwick. Nightingale Hospital is hosting a CPD seminar for GPs on 10th July about sleep and energy, with a keynote address from Dr Nerina Ramlakhan.
Overweight and obesity
Following on from last week’s extensive focus on the emotional side of eating, GPs have been advised that they should examine the mental health of patients to determine the cause of overeating rather than just giving nutrition and exercise advice. The Times reported the research by Beat, the eating disorder charity, that, over three quarters of patients seeking help for their weight were not asked about their mental health. The Guardian reported the results of a study that looks at the relationship between sugar, stress and overeating. Take Nightingale Hospital’s weight and food perception test if you think you might have an issue.
The dangers of technology in relation to our health have been highlighted this week by a study that shows children lose seven minutes of sleep for every hour of TV in The Telegraph, which also reports that children have seen a year’s television by the age of seven. There is also news of a new dangerous social media craze following on from NeckNominate, called Punch 4 Punch, which has already resulted in one death. Dr Richard Graham explains to The Telegraph what he thinks the driving force behind this public display of physical prowess.
The summer of sport reaches its peak this weekend with the Wimbledon final and the start of the Tour De France. Dr Nerina Ramlakhan tells The Telegraph how athletes can look after themselves and come back from failure.