Samaritans Radar
Last week, the Samaritans launched their new app, Samaritans Radar, which uses an algorithm to identify language in Tweets that is indicative of stress, depression and distress. When users sign up for the scheme, they receive notifications if their followers post tweets with specific, worrying phrases. This week has seen opponents of the app criticise the plans as invasive and particularly inappropriately designed for users with mental health problems.
To read Dr Richard Graham’s blog on the Samaritans Radar app go to Huffington Post.
Stress Awareness Day
Stress awareness day was this week, which prompted a number of articles on stress and its causes. Huffington Post reported that research by Birmingham City University found 91% of students starting university say they feel stressed or anxious in the period leading up to their first year.
…And on social media, this TED talk from 2013 picked up new attention on stress awareness day; it highlights how to best use stress to your advantage.
Digital communications and Mental Health
This week, MPs voiced concerned over online communications and mental health, highlighting the possible links between the two. Cyber bullying, violent video gaming and sexting were all identified as particular areas of concern in the digital era.