Woman – 01 October 2014 – Do you need an anti-diet?

Tried everything? Then it’s time to go back to basics and focus on how and why you eat – it could be the weight loss secret you’ve been waiting for…

“Many diets are built on the foundation of deprivation, but that’s something that is important to avoid” explains Dr Bijal Chheda-Varma, a psychologist who is joint lead in obesity at Nightingale Hospital London. “Human beings don’t deal with the idea of deprivation very well. Our brains and bodies naturally fight against it, and the mind becomes preoccupied with whatever you’ve cut out. The preoccupation will make it even harder to avoid, and put you at risk of having binges.”

Spend two weeks with the tin full of your favourite biscuits and give in when you fancy one. Over time, you’ll find yourself getting the urge less, because you aren’t denying yourself any more.

Full article not available online. 

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